Thursday 28 December, and we started off from Newry Beach in Holyhead. Actually, we started with lunch. This was at the Harbourfront Bistro (which is attached to the Holyhead Maritime Museum, the museum itself being closed at the time). The baguettes were good but more filling than we had planned.
We walked west along the Coastal Path. Despite it being late December, there were periwinkles in flower by Porthyfelin House.
Ascending after the quarry, we reached roughly where our earlier North Stack walk had taken us, turning back here as the sun had set behind the mountain. We returned through Breakwater Country Park, then wandered along a footpath inland towards Llaingoch and the town of Holyhead.
Weather mild for the time of year, blue skies all around but a hazy sea. There were lots of people out on the path and at the country park.