The walk begins over Tywyn Trewan, which is an ancient common. If you live in the right (also ancient) parish, you can graze your animals, collect firewood and turf here – provided it is for your own use. We didn’t see anybody actually doing so. Part of Rogers’ route takes a bee-line across the common where there is no path, heading for Cerrig Cynrig. He mentions an old gate, which is indeed there, but doesn’t mention the stile nearby, which, once spotted, is a much clearer target to head for when wending your way along sheeptracks between spiky gorse. This was when we began to think that our Rogers Volume 2 (revised edition, 2006) was perhaps a little out of date.
Once on the beach at Cymyran, we were on the Coastal Path once more, where we had reached on our Inland Sea walk, and the route back became clear enough along a quiet but extensive sandy beach and dunes.
This was an interesting walk. The inland stretch seemed less popular; we saw hardly anybody despite the good walking weather and the path did not look much used. The jagged rock features protruding from marshy land in places were striking. The path markers on the ground were more helpful than the guide book – but perhaps this is a little harsh on Rogers who after all has a later edition out.