We finally finished the North West corner today with Rogers Volume 2 Walk 9, on a generally dry day but with the odd threat of drizzle in the air.
Walking on up the cliff, we disturbed what must have been several hundred grouse in the bracken. This being the glorious twelveth, we wondered if they were now fair game. Probably not - this bit of path being closed from 14 September confirmed their having just a little longer to go.
We stopped at Trwyn Cerrigyreryr for our picnic, this corner of Anglesey offering a fine view almost all the way round. It was too hazy to see any land over the sea, but seems like this might offer both Ireland, the Isle of Man and northern England when the conditions are right.
This walk had disconcertingly too many bird-picked remains of sheep carcasses. Just one on a walk is bad luck, three seems like somebody's carelessness.
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